Monday, May 3, 2010

Water, Water Everywhere…

An old quote, from “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, goes: “water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink.” This famously used quote was originally written to describe how difficult it was for the crew of a ship to float along in the ocean without being able to drink from it. Luckily our situation is not quite as perilous but it certainly gives pause regardless.

On Saturday while I was busily enjoying a great time at a retirement party in California, a section from a ten foot wide pipe that delivers clean and purified drinking water to upwards of 2 million residents in and around the Boston area, burst.

The water released from the pipe was allegedly leaking upwards of 8 million gallons of water an hour into the Charles River and residents from over 30 surrounding communities were told to boil water as the water coming from their tap would be provided by non purified sources.

When we got in last night after midnight we instantly started to boil water. We placed cups full in the bathroom for brushing teeth and washing hands, I pulled out my hand sanitizer and started plotting my course of action for acquiring fresh, clean water to drink today.

From all the stories I’ve read most, if not all, stores in and around Boston that sell bottled water were stripped bare shortly after the tragedy occurred. I suppose New Hampshire, a short thirty five minute ride north, would be a good place to start and I can acquire my groceries for the week at the same time.

There is no definitive answer as to how long the boil order will last, but I will likely be doing so for longer than the recommended time suggestion anyway and everything will still be run through my PUR filtered pitcher. It has really got me thinking about water conservation and some of the ways I can cut back anyway.

What are your tips for saving water? I’d love some advice as the entire city of Boston aimlessly drifts forward without their morning coffee. Be safe out there friends and enjoy this video from Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds performing an acoustic version of Don’t Drink the Water

1 comment:

Almost Precious said...

Recently my grandson had to do a science project for his elementary school class. It had to be a project in support of Earth Day and how to be eco-friendly. I think we all should be taught, from the earliest age, that our natural resources are finite and not infinite. Water is a precious resource, not to be squandered foolishly. Great Blog Post !!!