Saturday, May 23, 2009

Contaminated Without Consent

During the last Bennetts Brook Green Group meeting one of the organizers, Julie, shared a DVD with me about chemical contaminates called Contaminated Without Consent. With so many different subjects to cover we did not watch it that night but she sent the link and I was able to sit and watch this sixteen minute movie this morning. It is frightening to think how many chemicals are present in our bodies that have come from nothing more than our food, air and water. Especially our children, factory workers and people proximate to those factories. The information from the studies is as recent as two years ago.

By clicking on the picture below you will be taken directly to the video on YouTube but if you would like to learn more about the Organization and the studies they are conducting please use the above link to visit the Organization website here.

So what can we do? Researching the products we use and the ingredients they are created from is the first step in protecting ourselves from toxins and harmful chemicals but in reality we need to collectively stand up and say, hey, we are not comfortable with this so companies will remove these chemicals from the products we use; the products they create.

As an eye opener and awareness vehicle I am awarding this movie a Five Leaf Rating. Please take a few minutes and watch to start protecting yourself today.

1 comment:

Diary of a Young Designer said...

very true. Most of those chemicals have never even been tested for human use and/or are used in little quantities that are "harmless". But if every product is made with the same ingredient you are getting a large dose of that contaminant.

great post!